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medical professional working with patient

About Bridgeway Home Health

Bridgeway Home Health is a locally owned and operated with over 70 years of experience in home health care among our senior management team. We’re not a large or publicly traded national chain, which gives us the ability to make quick management decisions. Our team understands the needs of the communities we serve. We’re focused on providing patients with the highest-quality home health care in the Georgia counties of Fulton, Dekalb, Rockdale, Gwinnett, Cobb, and Newton, which includes Atlanta and its surrounding areas.

Why We’re Different

At Bridgeway Home Health, we believe in taking a family-centered approach with our services to provide care and support for the patient as well as their loved ones. Our team of dedicated professionals treats your family as members of our own with compassion and respect. Our company provides special education programs to underserved populations throughout our service area to keep them informed on the availability and benefits of home health care services, specifically the African American community. We also use these educational programs to teach about the disease states that predominantly impact these populations.


Our Pledge

  • Respond to all referrals timely
  • Provide care plans that are patient-centered, instead of corporately mandated
  • Treat your loved one like they’re our own family
  • Communicate with you, your loved one, and your physician on an ongoing basis
  • Provide each patient a positive and safe transition to their home
  • Recruit, hire, and retain highly professional, experienced, and competent staff members to ensure you get the best possible care

Why Choose Bridgeway Home Health

Selecting the right home health care provider for a loved one is a difficult and confusing process when you consider the number of alternatives. A team member of Bridgeway Home Health is available to meet at your convenience with you and your family so that we can address your specific questions and concerns. We serve the metro counties of Fulton, Dekalb, Rockdale, Gwinnett, Cobb, and Newton with a team of more than 50 compassionate and dedicated medical professionals. You get peace of mind knowing your loved one is in good hands with us. If you’d like to know more about Bridgeway Home Health and the home health care services we offer, please contact us today to speak with a staff member.

Get Professional Care at Home